Does It Take A Long Time To Heal From Coeliac Disease How Long Does It Take For An Infection On Big Toe From Ingrown Toenail To Heal?

How long does it take for an infection on big toe from ingrown toenail to heal? - does it take a long time to heal from coeliac disease

I had an ingrown toenail on big toe .. I was able to cut, but now I find myself with an infection. It has never been worse, and some days are better than others, but almost every day red and a little swollen. It is not a supermarket. I dived in Epsom ... Put Neosporin and band aids, I stayed clean, even used a picture that I saved the last 3 days and wrapped in gauze in the hope that removing the infection .. However, it does not seem to change. I have no insurance now, I can not go to the doctor, I wonder if anyone else has experienced this yet, and if it is really a long time to heal.


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