Shoe Widths Explained Please Can You Give Your Interpretation Of "width Fittings"?

Please can you give your interpretation of "width fittings"? - shoe widths explained

I'm trying to understand what a D "," a collection of shoe width of two boys, aged from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the United Kingdom, and it is rare? (If you do not explain from Spain, please do your accessories in each country)

Can you tell your children great shoes and accessories where are you? Do not forget to tell you, your age!

Moreover, it is also high arches and my husband?

Thank you very much


cathrl69 said...

My daughter is an H!

D or E are common in the United Kingdom. A and B are unusually close, G and H are unusually large.

Age is unimportant - the width is proportional to the length (the shoe of a child G width is much narrower than in adolescence, is also much shorter.)

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