Bicycle Under Water How To Tread Water Efficiently And Learn The Different Techniques?

How to tread water efficiently and learn the different techniques? - bicycle under water

It is only recently learned to swim (freestyle and back, just a little), but the pool was only 5 feet deep ... So today I went to a pool that is nearly 7 feet ... Freakin drowned! ... Now I want anyway, is learning to swim, and I asked the teacher gives, and said, moving his arms and legs like a bicycle ... I now can not swim, that 20 seconds or less .. but I'm not comfortable. .. I know it's a different kind of scissors, whip or drag the frog and the famous drummer, I want to learn everything ... but when I try to do that I'm ... Is it just need more practice? It is easier, as I do? How long does it take to learn blender? plz help ...

My goal is to be able to water for an hour (good tread at least forty minutes) in a year ... If this is too ambitious or what? "


swimr 4 life said...

When the water come to, I shot back like a bullet in the chest (frog) and Scull my hands. It is time and practice to become better adapted to them. It's almost like you're sitting in the water. It should be easier as you proceed. I think you can tread water for one hour to reach your goal if you continue to work hard on. All you need is hard work, practice and time. You better of him.
While you swim, do not panic if you swim in deeper water, the same as if you move into shallow waters.
Good luck!

Kyhai said...

Nothing is impossible until you know, actually. All the sculptures done by water to peanut butter on the request of bread, if you know what I mean. only claims that are the weapons like knives. The blow was too ti ... Personally, I do not need the whip, because it is easier. I can take more than an hour because you need the whip in training for the Olympics and it saves a lot of energy. Flutter almost lost a lot of energy

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