Pine Tree Varieties QUICK AND EASY QUESTION! Science...?

QUICK AND EASY QUESTION! Science...? - pine tree varieties

Hello. Well, you learn it.

Indication of whether each of these plants and animals, producers, consumers or decomposers:


Bald Eagle
Gray squirrel


Maple Tree
Poison Ivy
Pine Trees

I need help to understand the answer to a variety of things.

The first person that all the parts properly and carefully answer get 10 points, and thanks.

Please help!


MoNeRa. said...

All animals are consumers.
All plants are producers.

Each plant is essentially a producer. This means they can produce their own food from sunlight and organic compounds.

Decomposers are the things, feed on dead matter, such as, for example .. mushrooms, crows, bacteria etc.

Consumers are things that eat other organisms (Possibly omnivores, herbivores or carnivores)

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