Jumbo Home Mortgage Loan Why Was Obama Able To Take A Reduced Rate Home Loan....?

Why was Obama able to take a reduced rate home loan....? - jumbo home mortgage loan

Barack Obama received a discounted home loan in 2005, similar to the former by a consultant received from his campaign that he was forced to resign after it became public. (Source: The Washington Post)

Former Fannie Mae Chief Executive James Johnson went abruptly as head of the Committee of Vice-Senator Obama wants the presidency after the Wall Street Journal reported that he had received favorable terms for a jumbo mortgage bonds with the CEO of Countrywide Financial - a major player in the subprime mess.

Senator Obama spoke out against Countrywide role in the subprime disaster, where mortgages to borrowers who could not keep interest rates were at market rates triggering a credit crisis in the advanced world.

Is there anything that raises a red flag?


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